Monday 23 June 2014

9. Amarillo, TX to Raton, NM

When we left the RV Park the weather forecast was for a windy day. The threat of rain & hail had past. On relative flat roads and keeping my speed between 55 & 60 MPH I can average 7.1 to 7.3 MPG. From Dumas (#2 on the map) to Raton NM the elevation increases from 3660 feet to 6680 feet above sea level. We were going towards the north-west and the wind was blowing west to east at speeds up to 35 MPH. I could tell by watching the gas gauge that the mileage was taking a hit. I filled up in Raton and the mileage dropped to an eye watering 5.03 MPG.

We saw a lot of farm land that had Monsanto signs. The crops looked like corn and wheat, probably all GMO’s heading for your table.

On the way to Raton NM we stopped at the Capulin Volcano National Monument.  You can see a light line, about in the middle of the volcano that is the road to the summit.

We parked the motorhome in the lot, disconnected the car and drove it to the summit. The Capulin volcano is extinct along with many other volcanoes that are a part of the “Raton-Clayton” volcanic field. This region had active volcanoes starting about 9 million years ago. The Capulin volcano was the ‘baby’ of the group, being born about 60,000 years ago. It is a cinder volcano and is about 1300 feet high.

From the parking lot at the top you look into the crater and see a small monument at the bottom.
There are information posters explaining the volcano and the surrounding area. It is quite a sight. When I get in areas like this, I try to imagine what it must have been like all those years ago when this area was an active volcano zone. All that energy being expended, the noise, the explosions, as the earth reshapes itself. This road is like many others that wind their way up or down hill, there are many places where there is no shoulder on the road and the drop off can be hundreds of feet. Paying attention to your driving is a good thing.

Here are some pictures the show what the layers of soil, cinders and ash look like. Jackie took these as we drove down the road. She gets a little nervous if I drive and take pictures. I tried telling her that it’s not like texting, in that, if anything happens at least  you have a good view but she didn’t buy it (like so many of my rationalizations).

We arrived at campground in Raton, NM for the night.

There are more pictures of the Capulin Volcano Monument at:


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